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I have never met someone so capable of taking nothing and turning it into something good, really good tasting and good for you … I cannot count how many times I have reluctantly partaken of one of Jodi’s healthy and creative food experiments, only to hear myself say again and again, “WOW, that was really good, what did you put on this again? … On second thought, don’t even tell me!” Lol. My Mom says she turns “a sow’s ear into a silk purse.”

They say turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse can’t be done, but Jodi finds a way to do it over and over again! One of my favorites is her healthy high protein breakfast I affectionately call “FEGGS” (fake eggs) with scrambled soy-free tofu (made from fava beans), onion, garlic, turmeric, tomatoes, spinach, and an alternative to sausage (made from pumpkin seeds), which we call “RAW-SAGE.” I also love her classic vegan tacos, of which I inhale five at a time!

Jodi has drawn me into her creative, and much tastier than I could have imagined, vegan world! As a lifelong, hard-core, carnivore, (Jodi’s words) - and Jodi being a vegan - we have had some negotiating to do around the dinner menu. I am still a carnivore, but a much more balanced and healthy one.

Jodi does not just have an innate God given intuition for healthy eating. Her mind is constantly calculating what we both need in our daily supplementation, and what we need to rid our systems of at the same time. This is what we all need! Healthy living is Jodi’s passion. She truly has a gift from the Lord to help people - spirit, soul, and body.

I do not always go along easily, as Jodi will attest, but I always see the heart behind what she is doing - to help herself, help me, and help others be all God created us to be - first in Spirit, then in Soul, and finally in the Body God has given us on loan.

I saw this gift in my wife, and one day I just blurted out, “You are like a GLAD SCIENTIST!” And it stuck.

The “GLAD” comes from the joyful service and delight Jodi receives from helping people. I often laugh with amazement at what she ends up creating! The “SCIENTIST” comes from her constant study of the human body and what it needs to be vibrant and healthy, along with her desire to create and formulate.

It is with full confidence that I introduce and recommend to you, my wife, Jodi, or as I like to call her:

“Dr. JoJo, The Glad Scientist.”


Her husband, Todd

“The Grateful Guinea Pig”